Short Version:
My friend showed it to me.
Long Version:
Before we start, you should know this: I have been going to an online school since 7th grade. That first year, since I was only 11, my parents didn't trust me to stay home alone, and both of them are teachers, so they couldn't stay with me every day. So we devised a system- Tuesdays and Wednesdays, I would go to the house of a woman who was a friend to my parents. Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays, I would go to the house of a woman who was the mother of my mom's student (and also my mom's friend). Let's call this woman Jill.
So anyways, the first day I went to Jill's house, all was going normally, until lunchtime. J said that her neighbors had a daughter - let's call her Maya - who was my age and was being homeschooled, and that Maya and I were a pretty good fit for each other. Maya came over for lunch, and we became friends pretty much right away. We introduced each other to things - she introduced me to Once Upon a Time, and I introduced her to a writing website called Qfeast.
Then one day - December 2, 2014 - she told me about this really cool online game called Animal Jam.
She showed me what it was, and guided me through the process of making an account. I made my first animal: a koala, named Daredevil Cleverstar.
And I was in love.
We would play Animal Jam every afternoon together. I remember her username was lol88305. I also remember the first place she ever showed me was the medical center. And I remember that my main look at the time was an eagle hat and a star cape (I actually thought that star capes were super rare ;-;). We had a really long email thread where we would just be like, "Meet me in the Temple of Zios at 7:00!" (We didn't know that we could teleport to our buddies.)
Eventually, I became a member.
And then, probably around the summer of 2015, I grew bored with the game, and stopped playing. We still talked, but soon, she didn't answer my texts, emails, or FaceTimes.
I started playing again around December in 2015, but she hadn't been on in more than 30 days. I gave up on checking every day to see if she was on, and pretty much forgot about her account (although I never unbuddied her; I still have her on my buddy list). I started my YouTube channel, Instagram, and this blog. But I never gave up on trying to contact her in real life.
A few months ago, my mom mentioned that Maya's mom (let's call her Jo) had a Facebook account. I was angry at her for not telling me before, but asked her to message Jo and tell her that I missed Maya. A couple days later, my mom got a response. Jo had said that Maya missed me too!
I asked my mom to message Jo back, but she forgot. So about a month ago, I took initiative, and messaged Jo on my own. Jo responded, and said that Maya had just gotten back from a long trip, where she didn't have wifi at all. She said that she would tell Maya that I wanted to talk to her. I thanked her, but when I didn't get a text from Maya after a week or so, I thought that Jo had just forgotten.
However, when I logged on to Facebook a couple weeks ago, I had a new friend request - from Maya! Jo messaged me to say that Maya made a Facebook account to talk to me. I was so happy, and I chatted with Maya for a bit. She said that she'd forgotten the password to her Animal Jam account, but she'd make a new one! I showed her my YouTube channel, and she said it was really cool.
So yeah, that's how I joined Animal Jam. I'll let you guys know when Maya makes her new account, so you can send her stuff! Remember, she hasn't been on since 2015, so she doesn't know about any of the new updates!
Happy Jamaalidays!
AJ: Germangenius03
Instagram: @indigofudgeyt
YouTube: Indigo Fudge
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
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