Hey guys! So in one of my dens, I have a nonmember "store." I put that in quotes because it's not really a store. It's more like... a vault. Whatever you want from it, I'll trade you for just, like, a necklace. However, this vault is NONMEMBERS ONLY.
I made the vault because nonmembers often feel left out or upset over how many items are members only. Now, I understand that AJHQ needs money, and I'm NOT saying that everything should be nonmember. I'm saying that a lot of nonmembers get bullied by members, and even feel like they should quit Animal Jam, just because they don't have good items. Again, I am NOT saying that ALL members are mean, and that there are no mean nonmembers. I am just saying that nonmembers sometimes feel upset and frustrated and just not happy because they don't have nonmember items.
So The Vault aims to fix that. If you are a nonmember who wants more nonmember items, come to Germangenius03's den. I might not have the vault as my den at the time, but if I do, feel free to post on my jammer wall saying what you want from it. I will try to get it to you as soon as possible.
Here is what I currently have in stock:
Blue rug
Assorted plushies and toys
Bodran drum
Spooky lollipops
Lemonade stand
Assorted pets
Chocolate roses
Spilled flower bucket
Blue sky walls
Carrot wheelbarrow
Metal chimney
Carnival flags
Pig balloons
Bunny rug
Butterfly wall art
Assorted hedges
Painted pot
If the vault is not set as my den, just comment on this post what you want. Thanks!
AJ: Germangenius03
Instagram: indigofudgeyt
Youtube: Indigo Fudge
Friday, August 26, 2016
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